The Heart of Mary Magdalene

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: June 4, 2012

On the night dedicated to Mary Magdalene, July 22, 2004, the dark and patriarchal forces that have suppressed the feminine for centuries surfaced at Rennes-le-Chateau. It was a night ordained to establish the freedom and protection of the feminine. This occurred just after the planetary Venus transit, which was part of the activation of the Star Pentagram, a clear gateway for the power and freedom of the feminine to return.

Since the age of 11 – when I first discovered sacred dance – I have been called to the service of the Goddess. Over the years, as I danced my way around the world. She has awakened within me a capacity all women share – to channel the divine creative fire of the Sacred Feminine and balance the energies on Earth.

For many years I’d had an inner calling to travel to the Pyrenees Mountains to visit sacred sites of the Divine Feminine.

Now I was on my way, traveling with a dear friend, after a week of Continue reading »