Following Your Heart – My Journey to Santiago

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: November 2, 2015

Meditation RetreatI had a divine inspiration and hearts desire to go to Santiago Spain because of my Venus and Jupiter lines crossing at the sacred spot of the end of the Camino de Compostela trail. I was in excitement and joy after receiving clear direction several times to go and then suddenly multiple circumstances arose, one right after the other and my journey seemed to be coming to a screeching halt. At the last minute, committed to my self and my path, I created a way that would allow me to go.

With only 2 days left before I would have to fly out, I was finally able to get everything done! I would be arriving at the very last minute to reach my destination, just making it in time. Even though I didn’t know how I would make it to this, as of yet, undefined spot, I knew I had to be there.  I leaped forward to go for it.

Meditation RetreatIt was like a dream, a dream that I fulfilled, a dream that came alive, because I trusted my divine connection, and inner knowing and followed my heart.  Miracle after miracle unfolded because I took the leap of faith and moved into action towards my hearts desire. What I know from my journey in life on my sacred path is that “Experience Matters’. That the sacred experiences we have matter. It’s the Experiences we have that actually create the transformation and change in our lives.

You can read all about my journey to Santiago by clicking “Continue Reading” below

My next journey is to Hawaii to swim with the Dolphins and receive the powerful and sacred energy of Hawaii island – the island of transformation – why not join me?

I’m holding my Sound Healing & Rejuvenation 7-day Retreat with the Dolphins – May 6th – 13th 2017 and again November 1st – 8th 2017… There are a few spaces left!  For anyone who has the heart calling to swim with the dolphins (non-captive), and open yourself to vibrational healing accelerating your energy and life to the next level, now is the time
Hawaii Retreatto grab your spot so you can experience this transformation for yourself.
If your heart is calling you, you owe it to yourself to catalyze your life to the next level and experience the profound love and intelligence of the Dolphins. Experience this Hawaii retreat, spending a week of healing, meditation and rejuvenation on the sacred island of Hawaii.

To apply to attend the meditation retreat, or if you have questions, reach out and contact me.

Send me a quick email with your contact info

Email me at:

Click the link below to find out more about the retreat:

Dolphin & Sound Healing Retreat

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