Break Free of Limitations & Release the Past

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: January 30, 2017

It’s up to you to release the past and break free of limitations.
Now is the time to stop, let go, breathe, and call to divine source, to assist you in releasing and letting go of any fear that is limiting your life.
Choose with your “free will” that you want to move forward – if in fact you do want to move forward  – it is your choice.
Sometimes there’s embedded fear about moving forward, moving ahead and leaving the old familiar behind.  But it is necessary to leave the old behind – the old ways of doing things.
They no longer serve you and they block your expansion into higher states of joy and freedom.  
It’s time to release the past and step into a new vision of yourself.
Step into who you want to be. Who you choose to be.
It’s your free will choice – who you choose to be,
what you choose to do, and the emotions that you choose to feel.

In each moment you can let go and move past old limitations – places where you feel stuck and feel like you don’t want to let go, the places that are holding on for dear life, the places within you that are afraid to move forward and leave the familiar behind.
It is a huge letting go to move to the next level because one must completely release the past and leave it all behind never to look back again.
If you turn around and look back then you bring it back into reality, but if you never look back it no longer exists and you can create from a new vibration,the vibration of your hearts truth, the vibration of your passion, the vibration of letting go into the void.
It’s time to let go into the void, go into the state of pure vibrational connection. Surrendering into the now moment, and allowing yourself to become the vibration of your intention.
Only holding on to the energetic essence of the vibration of your hearts desire.  Your true hearts desire.

It’s Your Love that is the Key

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: January 30, 2017

Divine Ones,

The most important thing is your heart, the love you have inside of you, your own frequency of love and accessing this point of love and truth in your heart.
This is truly what matters and will provide you with the soul nourishment, natural healing, and fulfillment that you desire. Your soul essence lies deep within the chambers and resonance of your heart.  The truth and beauty of this divine vibration that lives within the very matrix of energy within you is for you to tap into.  Honoring your sacred essence, the beauty of your unique frequency of love is part of your journey of self-discovery and self-mastery.
Dwelling within this vibration of your own love, is the doorway of your soul, to experience the ecstasy of union with the divine source of energy of all life.

Let your mind be at ease, let distractions go and spend time accessing the vibration of your own love in your heart. 

Peace and blessings,
