Spring Equinox – The Awakened State – First Impulse to Action

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: March 19, 2017


We are gearing up for the Spring Equinox – the moment when the Sun enters Aries.  This is the Re-birth moment for the entire year cycle
The real new year comes when Pisces completes and we have the initiation moment of Aries — The first impulse to action.

Now is the moment to close out the old cycle of Pisces and initiate a new energy for your new cycle. This is the moment of re-birth.  

Aries is the initiation of Your Self that is starting a whole new year.
It is the moment of alignment with your TRUE SELF and initiate the “seed” of energy for the whole new cycle.  
The moment of the Spring Equinox is your opportunity to re-birth your self  “to spring forward with a new energetic….. your authentic self-expression”

Are you going to consciously surrender and align, go into stillness and receive your highest impulse to action?  
Your “impulse to action” is connected with your “motivation”.  
What is motivating you to action?  
Where is your impulse to action coming from?
Is it coming from somewhere inside of your heart?
Is it coming from your head?
Is it fear?
What is the impulse that is driving you forward into this next phase and cycle?
What is your impulse to action?
The mind likes to set energy into motion.  
Allow your new cycle be initiated by your heart.

This is your moment to align with your sacred impulse — this is the moment of getting to the core of your self-hood — Aries.  Who is springing forth into action?  Where is your motivation to action coming from?

It’s your moment now to close out the old ways, let go of the past, forgive everything and come into sacred silence, the sacred pause, the race horse that is in anticipation to spring out of the gate, but wait……..where is your impulse to action coming from?
Is it from your heart or your head?
Don’t race ahead without being “inside” of your “sacred impulse”.  
What is your truth?  What is the vibration of your truth?

Let this be the place you settle into — pausing inside of this vibration — still excited like the race horse about to launch — but in sacred union with the truth of the vibration of love inside of you — allowing the excitement, love and joy to build inside of you, allowing your true “motivation to action” to emerge as an impulse from inside of you.
An impulse……..
Be in the silence at the gate, in anticipation, but silent, still anticipation, open to receive the feeling sensation that is aligned in your hearts vibration of truth and love your motivation — your impulse to action.

This is the moment of Truth — self-hood.  Your TRUE SELF launching out of the gate.  Directed by the powerful energy of truth within your heart.

Action is created from impulse – from thought, from emotion, from desire.
Come back to your sacred core truth, sit in your sacred truth, and launch from the impulse that comes from the sacred truth of your being.  
This is why even the horse that gets out of the gate a few seconds later than the others can still win the race.  The impulse, the direct arrow of truth prevails.  

Prepare yourself today to receive this new energetic impulse.
The Sacred Spring Equinox moment when the Sun enters Aries is at
Monday, March 20th – 6:29am Eastern time zone.  3:29am Pacific
12:29am Hawaii
I send you love and blessings!