Spring Equinox – It’s Expansion Time!

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: March 20, 2018

Today is the beginning of the New Year!
Spring turns the tides and opens us to expansion, a time to step forward and take new actions expressing out what has been in hibernation.
The old year has closed down, and the new impulse to action is ready to be birthed.

This is the time when you get to start a fresh slate and step forward with your true self, and choose to take actions that support your authentic self in becoming a living expression here on Earth, so you can create a life filled with ease, love, and joy!

The Spring Equinox moment is the point of stillness from which your true desire emerges, what is your direction of freedom? What decisions can you make and what actions can you take today and this week to support your true hearts desires?

Actions can be stimulated solely from ones mind, or they can come from a more subtle impulse within your heart, a place where the heart is the governing impulse and the mind follows the heart.
We want our mind to follow our heart and our minds genius to kick in to support our hearts desires.
Sit in the quiet and stillness of your sacred truth and launch into this new year from the impulse that comes from your heart.
May this new year be one of great advancement for you in love, self-expression, abundance, creativity and joy!
Take actions that support YOU, put supporting your self first and see how your life changes….