Venus Is Rising – Are you Ready?

Author: Estaryia Venus | Published: April 5, 2019

Are you ready to Step Into Your Feminine Essence and Power – Your ultimate Venus energy?

Well the opportunity is coming your way to open to greater levels of love, creativity, joy and harmony in your life!

Isn’t time to shed old limiting patterns, get out of your head and into your body so you can deepen your connection to your feminine “feeling” essence so you can tap into your inner knowing, creative power and manifest greater levels of love, joy, fluidity and grace in your life.
Are you ready to step forward into your feminine essence and power?

Venus is the Energy of Love, Joy and Harmony
Venus energy is the feminine life energy… is receptive and attractive.
It magnetizes energy to it and creates harmony.

When Venus energy is in it’s highness octave of “Divine Love” and is united with the divine masculine source energy of light, true union occurs and this is the Divine Essence of creation. When this union is actualized “Life” flows in Divine harmony and grace.

Divine Love is the energy that accelerates spiritual-physical union within the harmony of life. All things harmonious flow within the realms of love.
Raising your energy to Divine Love creates harmonious flow in your relationships with others and in your relationship with life.

Divine Love sends out a wave of harmony that attracts higher vibrational opportunities to experience your souls greater and more fulfilled life.

Life is abundant. The energy stream of life is pure abundance.
Being out of synch and out of balance with the natural life force energy creates dis-harmony and dis-ease. Finding the natural balance within your own life stream of energy allows you to be in harmony with all life.

When the mind is in control and over-active, your feelings don’t have a chance to attune with the natural harmonics of life. When stuck in the chaos of the chatter of a busy mind, decisions are harder to make and life feels stressful, out of balance and you experience a lack of flow and ease. Knowing the decisions to make and direction to take in your life is not a mental concept. Your inner knowing is not in your mind. Your inner knowing is in your body — your vibrational body. Your inner truth is experienced and cognized by being connected within the pulsation of your vibrational energy, with the higher frequency energy of divine love and light.

Our internal rhythms and heart resonance is vibrational energy which is in constant motion and is sensational in nature. When we are able to feel these subtle inner vibratory sensations, we connect with the energy matrix resonance of life.

Our mind, our mental energy, is more conceptional, organizational and directive. It’s our feminine receptivity, openness and heart feeling connection that tap us into the vibrational nature of reality and allow us to commune on an energetic resonance level. This union of resonance within our own life stream with universal life energy allows us to access truth and inner knowing.

From our connection with truth and inner knowing we make decisions in our life that create greater abundance, harmony and joyful ease in our relationships, career expression and all areas of our life.

The feminine energy of life is receptive in nature, it is open and allows itself to experience without mentally analyzing, it is the feeling component of energy.
It feels on both raw emotional levels and it feels on the highest vibrational levels of truth and light. It’s our feelings that commune with the inner vibrational essence of life.

“Mental” energy is masculine. The mind analyzes, and rationalizes. Most people are over thinking and lack the deeper connection to their own inner truth and heart. Our hearts inner rhythm of life pulsation has its own inner knowing of truth. These feelings are more subtle than feelings of raw emotion. These feeling sensations are a communion with the subtle pulsations of pure life energy. The heart connects with the pure vibrational essence of life itself, and this is the place of true inner knowing and direct knowledge.

Old ways of thinking, mental patterns of limitation and unacknowledged and unexpressed emotions block the ability to feel your heart and tap into your divine connection with the infinite living resonant energy field of life.

Releasing these blocks allows you to re-calibrate and open to new and exciting joyful ways of being and experiencing life.

As the saying goes, “It takes two to tango” so indeed we need both feminine and masculine energy in balance and equilibrium for divine creation to occur.

When the feminine and masculine energy are in union, life is filled with grace and ease…this union of the masculine and feminine energy creates Divine Harmony and allows your soul to be fulfilled at the highest level.

You have the opportunity to re-calibrate and upgrade your Venus feminine energy so your life can flow in greater harmony, joy and ease.

If you would like to dive deeper into your creative feminine energy and power, with other amazing women, join me in beautiful St Thomas in the US virgin Islands…..and transform your life!

Click below to Activate Your Venus Energy with me