Change Your Life on Retreats with

Transform Your Life!

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estaryia venus sound healing

Estaryia is an internationally recognized sound healer with over 25 years experience.  She has shared her expertise throughout the world achieving consistent and tangible results that transform people physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Thousands have benefitted from the power of Estaryia's scientifically proven healing and rejuvenating experiences.

​Watch Video to Learn More...

One Retreat with Estaryia can ​Change Your life!

If you're meditating on your own, and haven't experienced the shifts or changes you were hoping for... you're not alone.

Whether you're:

  • Going through difficult transitions...
  • In need of emotional healing...
  • Experiencing chronic pain...
  • Are searching for something more within yourself...

Wherever you are on life's path, retreats with Estaryia meet you at your soul spirit level allowing profound physical, spiritual, and emotional changes.

Meditation isn’t enough…
At these retreats you will experience Estaryia's unique capacity to transmit a powerful healing energy through sound. This scientifically proven approach, combined with Estaryia’s ​ability to be a channel for divine healing energy has made a dramatic difference in ​thousands of peoples lives.  ​



Do you have moments when you feel:

  • Emotionally unfulfilled
  • Confused or paralyzed, not knowing what to do
  • Self-doubt, anxiety, or fear

Retreats with Estaryia have helped thousands of people discover their purpose, reawaken their self confidence, lift depression, strengthen their relationships, unleash their creative energy, clear away past baggage, and rejuvenate their energy so they can feel clarity, joy, and fulfillment.

Experience powerful locations that connect you with nature. ​

Recieve the individual guidance you need to create shifts in your ​mind and body, and deepen your connection with your spiritual essence so you can transform in ways you've never even begun to imagine!


Estaryia's meditation and sound healing methods aren't only profound, they're based on neuroscience!

Our brain is wired by past emotional experiences that we had growing up. The limbic system stores these old emotional memories and beliefs. We get stuck in loops, where the emotions we experienced when we were young get re-triggered and you suddenly find yourself feeling the same old feelings over and over again.  
Estaryia’s healing techniques target this pattern at the core sub-conscious level to permanently release those emotional memories, reprogram your beliefs, and break the cycle.  

The first step…​Our brain and nervous system are interconnected. As a result, our brain waves affect our entire body. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the fight or flight response, while the parasympathetic nervous system brings us into the relaxation response.  

Estaryia's precise methods guide ​you into the parasympathetic, literally transforming how your brain and nervous system are communicating. In this state, you’re able to receive Estaryia’s specific healing vibrations at a cellular level and achieve deep connections you've never been able to experience before!

Estaryia's sound healing meditations have been studied and are proven to dissolve cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress inducer that sends the body into fight or flight. Once cortisol is eliminated, deep healing occurs and you open yourself up to new ways of thinking, feeling, and being.



To See How A Retreat Can Change Your Life...

​Set up a ​Free 15 Minute Consultation 

​Call:  808-673-1829




"Years of growth in a week!"


Listen To These Amazing Moments From Retreat Attendees

break FREE In SEDONA with Estaryia 

Adventure into the magnificent vortexes of Sedona, Arizona.

Experience ancient canyons and sacred land. Reconnect with nature and ancestral lineages. The Powerful balance of electric and magnetic energy ​ ​ley-lines in Sedona amplify ​the ​healing activations that Estaryia will guide you through, accelerating your transformation New Moon Manifestations!

Release limiting beliefs, stress, stagnant energy, emotional baggage, self-sabotaging mindsets, past regrets, and more with Estaryia's methods that have bee scientifically proven.

*  Reprogram your sub-conscious mind to attract new possibilities…

*  Re-gain your self confidence so you can have more freedom of self expression and...

*  Deepen your intuition so you can make more positive and exciting choices in your life.

Estaryia’s science based rejuvenating techniques activate cellular energy to accelerate your vibrational energy, vitality and youthfulness.

With Estaryia's therapeutic sound healing sessions, energy block clearings, guided meditations and activations at the vortexes, brainwave ​re-patterning and entrainment, chakra opening and alignment, yoga, signature breathing practices, shamanic healing experiences, and more, these transformative days ​will ​create ​profound positive changes in your life!

As a bonus, there will be time for shopping. Sedona has amazing crystal shops and very beautiful unique native art!

Your soul journey awaits you….


• All therapeutic healing sessions, meditations, and vibrational ​activations
• ​Welcome Dinner
• ​Morning Tea ​  

​Does not include accommodations

​Retreat Arrival:  Wednesday, May 20, 2020  -- 4:30 pm

​Retreat Departure:  Sunday, May 24, 2020 -- 10:00am

​Fly into Phoenix Airport -Sedona is a beautiful easy 2 hour drive from airport.

​Because of time difference between East and West coast, you can fly in the same day, and have plenty of time to drive to Sedona.  You will also have time ​to drive back to airport on Sunday to catch a flight.  ​

​For Questions:  Call:  808-673-1829  or  email:  ​

AFTER ​February 15TH

​See How A Retreat Can Change Your Life...

Set up a ​Free 15 Minute Consultation

Call:  808-673-1829


The Impact of Estaryia's Retreats...


I had amazing experiences at Estaryia’s rejuvenation retreat…deep clearings, energy activations and profound healings. The experience was full of fun and adventure, new friends, transformation and re-igniting my passion on such a deep and profound level.



I found that Estaryia’s teachings with sound, meditation, movement and breath has freed everything up for me in my body and made it easier to breathe and get my self into alignment and focus. I have a bigger range of motion and I feel a lot looser and no more pain in my joints. It was all very profound. I had an old shoulder injury from a car accident from 20 years ago, it released the tension in my lungs and realigned my rib cage and actually got rid of all the pain in my shoulder.



“I was familiar with Estaryia’s music and sound healing but could never have expected it to be so amazing up close and personal with the music and sound that Estaryia channels in the moment, she brings exactly what you need in every session. I was immersed into total healing experiences where I was able to let go of old emotions ​and limiting beliefs that had been blocking my life and my body was able to respond in all the ways it needed to, to heal.


Why Retreats With Estaryia Are Life-Changing

Estaryia's evolutionary techniques are based on science and have been known to eliminate stress, anxiety, pain and emotional imbalances, while bringing people into higher states of mental clarity and focus, productivity, enhanced physical vitality, weight loss, inner balance and harmony for a happier, more successful and fulfilled life.

Why Is Sound Healing Important?

Estaryia's method of sound healing reconnects your bio-rhythms and brave wave patterns. It shifts your body out of fight or flight mode, taking you to a whole new level of healing and inner peace. It re-tunes your brain waves to a higher vibrational frequency to increase energy, health and a higher level of spiritual connection.

Experience Personal Freedom

Remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life!  Travel to paradise so that you can focus on ​YOU! These retreats give you a sanctuary space to relax and unwind so you can surrender into yourself and allow yourself to heal, ​re-calibrate and ​restore your energy.

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Gain Clarity

Decision-making is a skill we all possess but sometimes we have so much swimming around in our brains that it becomes difficult to pin down what we really want in our life. There’s no better way to sort everything out and gain clarity, to know what is best for your life path, than to dive deep into meditation.

Cleanse Your Emotional Guilt, Grief, or Regrets

Those emotional wounds you’re holding onto, they don’t have to be there. Fill those emotional voids, discover what’s blocking your progress, and release an entirely new flow of energy to heal.

Eliminate Toxic Stress

Estaryia's methods have been studied and are proven to melt away the stress hormone “cortisol” known as the “Fight or Flight” response. When your nervous system is no longer in sympathetic, flight or fight mode, your  body can begin to re-calibrate to its natural rhythms so it can heal and regenerate.  

Manifest Your Desires

When you align your mind, heart, and body it becomes easier to manifest what you want your future to look like. Some people manifest money while others manifest love. 

Enjoy exciting and transformational moments with new friends.

​Want to Experience Transformation?

Set up a ​Free 15 Minute Consultation

Call:  808-673-1829


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