Sound Vibration & the Evolution of Consciousness

Every thing in the universe is vibrating. The patterns and harmonies of the vibrations of our natural environment resonate with the elemental nature of our being. Being in sync with our environment is an essential factor for us to maintain harmonious balance.
Sound can harmonizes our body and mind and brings us into synchronization with the pulse wave of the Earth so the body is in its optimum state for us to receive the cosmic energies and influences that are entering the Earth’s planetary sphere in 2012.

Healing Power of Sound

Our bodies have four interconnected pulse systems: the heart pulse, our breathing, our brainwaves, and the cranial fluid in the spine. Through using specific sound vibration entrainment patterns, we can synchronize our brain, heart, breath and spinal fluid into one coherent wave of energy, releasing stress and tension from the system to allow the body and mind to come into harmony and balance.

The Earth’s Vibrations & Our Evolution

Mother Earth is the bigger organism that we are held within. Our body, made of the same elements as the Earth, speaks of our intimate connection with the vibrational matrix of our planet. Through sound vibration we can surrender and synchronize with the natural rhythms of the Earth, allowing the body and mind to relax into a larger pulse wave of support. We receive deep nourishment and healing from our vibrational and rhythmic connection with the Earth. As we embrace her rhythmic patterns, we create a foundational support for our evolving consciousness.

Brainwave Entrainment

There is a powerful healing effect when we harmonize our brainwaves with the rhythmic pulses of nature. Entrainment harnesses the healing power of sound and physically helps us to be able to repair and regenerate, as well as balances our emotions by stopping mental chatter and allowing stronger connection with our spirit.

Receiving Energy Through Planetary Alignments

When we’re in balance and harmony, we’re able to receive the light and energy that is coming into the Earth during planetary alignments. Now more than ever we want to be receptive to this energy—particularly during the upcoming Venus Transit on June 6th
when the evolutionary frequency waves are activating cellular consciousness inside of
our DNA.

Synchronizing our brain hemispheres through the power of sound and rhythmic entrainment is an effective way for us to prepare for this shift: to literally propel us into the evolution of our consciousness, which leads the way for our immortality.

Venus plays an essential role in birthing the Earth and human consciousness into it’s next evolution.

Healing with Sound

By using the healing power of sound through specific brainwave entrainment, we can prepare ourselves to receive the energy of this powerful planetary alignment. Syncing our pulse waves using entrainment strengthens our body-mind-spirit-connection.

Estaryia Venus, is an internationally recognized sound healer and has produced a series of powerful brainwave synchronization CD’s including the newest:
Venus Wave ~ Vibrational Healing Series, a powerful sonic entrainment audio program.

Estaryia leads empowering sound healing rejuvenation and yoga workshops and retreats throughout the year as well as live tele-classes. Next live tele-class during the upcoming Venus Transit. Estaryia is also leading workshops in Boulder and Aspen, Colorado during the Venus alignment. Join her and connect with your immortality during this amazing time! To learn more visit:

© Estaryia Venus 2012