Activation Series Bundle
Live Stream Class Recording
Expand Into the Infinite YOU! Are you ready to let go of of energetic blocks that have been keeping you from expanding in the areas of career, relationships, finance, or health so you can expand into the truth of who you are – a divine, amazing, loving, joyful abundant being of light?
During this incredible & expansive Activation and Vibrational Attunement, Estaryia will commune from a space that will dissolve blockages in your path so you can step into the infinite possibilities for your life. Get to ready to EXPAND INTO the INFINITE YOU!
Open to RECEIVE – Activation
Live Stream Class Recording
How wonderful can your life be if you are clear of blocks and can simply open to RECEIVE all that you need to live a life filled with love, joy and abundance? Everything is available for you and an important key is to actually be able to vibrationally receive it. In this incredibly powerful live stream class, Estaryia will activate energy, clear blocks, attune your frequencies, and open the flood gates for your receiving!
Get ready to experience life in a new way when your RECEIVING CHANNEL IS OPEN!
Open to LOVE – Activation
Live Stream Class Recording
Are you ready to open to receive the infinite love of the universe? The love that pulsates through all of creation? Tapping into your own self love and allowing it to open the doorway for you to embrace your divinity allows your true essence to be embodied and expressed here on Earth! Are you ready to be the embodiment of love, the expression of love and allow love to open your path of joy and freedom?
You won’t want to miss this activation with Estaryia, as she opens the gate of the heart and activates the DIVINE LOVE in YOU!
Open to ABUNDANCE – Activation
Live Stream Class Recording
Abundance is your birthright! Are you ready to claim it?
You are an infinite being and everything accords you when you are in harmony and alignment with your divinity, your true essence. It’s time to shift into the vibrational truth of who you are, embracing your divine connection with source and embodying the abundance that is already yours! Are you ready to open to receiving the abundance that is waiting for you? Join Estaryia for this amazing activation and blast through any barriers to you accepting and receiving your divine birthright of ABUNDANCE NOW!
Live Stream Classes are recorded so you can watch or listen at any time.