Divine Union
MP3 Download


  • Proven to awaken expanded states of consciousness
  • Activate deep relaxation, meditation & clarity
  • Experience Estaryia’s ethereal vocals, flute and nature sounds


Divine Union

Treat yourself to a journey of special planetary sound frequencies including Venus and Mars, Sun and Moon with Earth & other harmonics with Estaryia’s ethereal vocals, conch, flute and nature sounds.

Estaryia’s Vocal Transmissions married with sacred geometry resonante sound patterns help harmonize the body with the Vesica Pisces unity field. Woven throughout are Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave frequency patterns to activate deep relaxation, meditation, clarity and creative inspiration.

Perfect for those who desire expanded states of consciousness.


Estaryia Venus – Sound Frequency Patterns and Vocals
Bodhi – Flute and Conch Track 2 & Track 4
Maika Suneagle – Flute Track 5

Enjoy these tracks:

  1. Divine Union 14:23
  2. Venus Mars 8:43
  3. Tantric Union 8:38
  4. Sun & Moon 9:11
  5. Breath of Sun & Earth 9:05
  6. Vesica Pisces 6:34
  7. Divine Union 16:02

Healing Sound Music’s Advanced Technology & Unique Features:

  • Precisely tuned sound frequencies based on the harmonic structure of nature
    • Provides the most energy and life enhancing Theta brainwave frequency pattern
  • Organic sound waves verses digitally produced tones
    • Organic sound provides vibrations that are harmonious with the human body
    • Natural sound offers the most deeply effective experience
  • Advanced technology effective with or without using headphones so you can enjoy in multiple ways

Use with headphones or without. We suggest you try it both ways.

Sample Tracks

These are the sample tracks