Royal Gate ~ Opening the Portal of the Heart
MP3 Download


  • Powerful meditative experience
  • Special planetary frequency compilation
  • Estaryia's healing vocal transmissions


Royal Gate – Opening the Portal of the Heart

Estaryia’s Vocal Transmissions with Sound Healing, Planetary & Star Frequencies

Enjoy A Deep Meditative Experience!

This one of a kind compilation recorded during the Sphinx gateway alignment with the Moon weaves together the powerful vibrations and frequencies of the Sun, Moon, the Royal Star Regulus, and Polaris (Pole Star) with enchanting vocal transmissions by Estaryia Venus.

Open your heart and receive the light and love from the Royal Star Regulus

Total running time: 29 minutes

Healing Sound Music’s Advanced Technology & Unique Features:

  • Precisely tuned sound frequencies based on the harmonic structure of nature
    • Provides the most energy and life enhancing frequency patterns
  • Organic sound waves verses digitally produced tones
    • Organic sound provides vibrations that are harmonious with the human body
    • Natural sound offers the most deeply effective experience.
  • Advanced technology effective with or without using headphones so you can enjoy in multiple ways.

Use with headphones or without. We suggest you try it both ways.

Sample Tracks