Venus Transit ~ Awakening Codes of Immortality

Video: Global Heart Pulse Meditation

The Venus Sun Transit on June5/6 will unlock the spiraling vortex within our cellular DNA, turning on information and awakening higher states of unity consciousness.

The key to this awakening is the ability to be in a place of balance & equilibrium in our heart center.
It’s important now to be taking the time to access this place of equilibrium within.

The Venus Wave Vibrational Healing & Brainwave Synchronization Series is a tool that you can use to bring your bodies pulse systems into equilibrium within just a few minutes.

Next, it’s about finding the door in the center of your heart that you can access through your own self affinity and self love. Our Self affinity and self love is the key that opens the door in our heart and allows us to enter into our own immortality.

The Venus Transit will be a portal of Divine Union of Sun & Venus.
There will be a fusion of light of the Sun and Venus that will be transmitted through the direct alignment to the Earth. This light will penetrate the waters on Earth, the atmosphere, the biology and into our human cellular biology.
This awakening of Christed Consciousness (unity consciousness), divine balance of magnetic & electric energies, will awaken within our heart high vibration frequency codes of light that will turn on more of our multi-dimensional nature.

Please see the Global Heart Pulse Meditation video to assist in your preparation.

Get your Venus Wave Brain & Heart Synchronization mp3′s or CD’s.
